Monday, August 13, 2007

Day 14 - Sunday

I went to Dobra teahouse and for a mere $8, spent 2.5-3 hours lounging and feeling as though I had just done mental yoga. (That place is very relaxing.) I felt it was a good deal at around $2.50-3 an hour. I then remembered that I have a coupon for a free yoga class, but it was nearly time to get ready for the BBQ, so I didn't pursue that idea. Ultimately, the BBQ was canceled though, so I got a $20 from the atm, changed it to quarters, and spent another $4.50 on laundry.

Total spent: $12.50

I didn't go see Rush Hour 3 with Beth, Ray, & James so total saved: $8.25

Oh, I also found a $15 gift certificate to downtown places in a purse I hadn't used in a while. I think I'm going to try to be practical and apply it to groceries at City Market.

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