Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Shiny

First, an insight into the nerdgirl vernacular:
- Shiny: Clothing or accessory, especially those that literally shine; can also refer to high end electronics; I believe this started as a Pokemon reference to the in-game shiny objects, but also refers to "shiny, happy people"
- Toy: Mostly refers to electronics (especially DS games) and tchotkes (something that may be mundane, but with which you want to play immediately, such as a Ring Thing or Staple Free Stapler from www.thinkgeek.com or a 25 cent rubber animal from a grocery store vending machine); comes from the shouts of "New Toy! New Toy!" that accompany said delightful objects
- Squishy: A squishy toy or other beloved object, certain people may also qualify as squishies; a term of affection; started by a quote from Finding Nemo: "I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy..."

My boyfriend made me an anklet out of chain mail links last night. (Yes, we're nerds.) I think it's helping me quash the "I want!" urge as well because I do like it & it's a new shiny. :)

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